Friday, September 24, 2004

We're doing our last set of on-campus interviews next week, so I'm going to probably make the trip, do some interviews, and hopefully find some good candidates. My heart's not quite in it as much after we finish dealing with the students from my alma mater, which came earlier in the process. I've noticed among my colleagues that most of us feel a certain amount of ownership when it comes to our law schools, and we fight harder for candidates from our schools even if on paper there's no reason for it. Intellectually I don't really think that I got a better education than people who went elsewhere, or that I'm a better person because I went there, but I still look at the numbers in every entering associate class and hope I can get "my people" to take their offers so we can have a bigger presence at the firm than we otherwise would. I'll admit I'm not completely unbiased in the recruiting process. If you go to my school, if you have interests like the ones I used to have before I became a lawyer, if you find a way to tell me you're a Dodgers fan, if you're nice to the recruiter who brings you by, if you don't mention the weather (you wouldn't believe how many people open with something about the weather, especially since there's really nothing to talk about here related to the weather except that it's just like yesterday), then I'm predisposed to like you more, and to look at your candidacy more favorably.

I interviewed a candidate last week who made a marginally sexist remark during the interview. Something that, if I was a woman, would probably not be enough to disqualify him, but would send up a red flag. But, me, I kind of liked it. He won points. Because he wasn't being "too careful" like so many law students are, afraid to say what they're really thinking. He had some spark. I like that. He got an offer. It's that kind of thing that makes me feel good about the process, like I'm making a difference.

maybe he'll grab some female employee's boob during the second-round interview and you'll give him a job offer.
To the above poster,

What do you mean by "it is all form over substance"?
Above poster:

I heard there was a Klan rally downtown on Saturday. I don't know, just wanted to pass along the info -- thought you might be interested.
I work at a firm with many women partners, and can assure you that they are extremely competent, hard-working, skilled and well-respected in our jurisdiction. Some of the top trial lawyers in our entire state, as I'm told often when I meet attorneys from other firms, are women lawyers at our firm.
Uncivil Litigator:

Not that you necessarily thought so, but I bet the guy posting about women above was simply trying to post a comment in the vein of Anonymous Lawyer's regular posts. Speaking of which, not a bad idea, I think, if more commenters started posting silly, off-the-wall comments, imitating the stuff AL posts. That'll really get this weblog moving!
Shouldn't you really dock him because apparently he can't even hold up the front long enough to make it through an interview. It is tiring to have to maintain that front the whole time when you are interviewing and if you can't even cut it for the half-hour you might sit with a partner, seems pretty weak.
AL's truly evil posts, like this one, we can almost always write off as satire. I'm not sure about the 5:06 commenter though. Probably satire, but it doesn't really matter because I know plenty of men who sincerely hold those beliefs.
Uncivil Litigator, I think you are the kind of dishonest person AL is making fun of in his blog in general. Get a clue.
5:06 back again. To overall post 3 questioning what I mean by "form over substance." First, if you don't get it then you're one of the brainwashed liberals or perhaps one of the titled women-in-charge about which I bitch. In all industries all over the country, not just law, we have women "managers" who are over-excited by their title, have a chip on their shoulder, and are busy screwing up the world's economy. Get a clue.
12:03 hussy. Thank you very much for proving my point. Men kick ass all the time and don't think it is because they are lawyers. They just do the things that make the world go 'round. You are VERY PROUD of yourself BECAUSE you are a bitchy lawyer. Make me some breakfast.

An example is women managers who have nothing to do all day, do no work, and all they do is wonder around the office like a snake looking to whine about things like people not having a lid on their coffee cup or eating at their desk (to make enough money to keep the firm afloat after having to pay for the 1 woman "attorney" per month who quits after taking her 6 month paid vacation) causing odors that are "irritating" other annoying women who should be home getting dinner ready.

And I would destroy you in court, except that half the time (if it is a bench trial or hearing) the white haired horny judge would be staring at your body the entire time and give you an advantage. What I'd do is kick your butt in a brief first and we'd never get to court. You are inferior to me.
12:03 hussy. Thank you very much for proving my point. Men kick ass all the time and don't think it is because they are lawyers. They just do the things that make the world go 'round. You are VERY PROUD of yourself BECAUSE you are a bitchy lawyer. Make me some breakfast.

An example is women managers who have nothing to do all day, do no work, and all they do is wonder around the office like a snake looking to whine about things like people not having a lid on their coffee cup or eating at their desk (to make enough money to keep the firm afloat after having to pay for the 1 woman "attorney" per month who quits after taking her 6 month paid vacation) causing odors that are "irritating" other annoying women who should be home getting dinner ready.

And I would destroy you in court, except that half the time (if it is a bench trial or hearing) the white haired horny judge would be staring at your body the entire time and give you an advantage. What I'd do is kick your butt in a brief first and we'd never get to court. You are inferior to me.
Now girls, don't get your panties in a bunch. Go freshen up your lipstick and then get your hair done, you will feel better.
Can you believe somebody got this thing pregnant?:
Question for anonymous lawyer: What do you consider a mildly sexist remark? And what is over the top? Can you post what he actually said? There really is a lot of variation, some people find it offense to refer to "the partners' wives" as if all partners were male.

Also please blog more, you uplift my dreary days with your wit.

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