Thursday, October 28, 2004
She doesn't understand what it's like. She doesn't understand that I have responsibilities that go beyond what she wants me to do, and that it's the clients who pay for her trips to the beauty spa, and the junk she "collects." If they need something, I have to be there. It's not a choice. I'm not choosing to put work first. It's just something that has to be. Or she wouldn't have gotten to live the life she's gotten accustomed to living. She likes nice things. I like nice things too. She likes them more. But to get nice things, I needed to make sacrifices. She accepted those sacrifices when we got married. But I don't think she ever truly understood. This is a service industry. I don't control my hours as much as a businessman does. I don't control my hours as much as she did when she was working. These aren't set hours. What I do funds her diversions. It funded her headshots when she decided she wanted to "act." It funded her art supplies when she decided she wanted to "paint." It funds the goddamned organic food she insists is healthier but is really just twice as expensive. Organic baby food. Like it made a difference. My biggest fear every day is that he ends up like her because I didn't spend enough time with him growing up. That he ends up shallow and empty like her. Maybe it's better to be shallow and empty. At least then you don't agonize. I agonize over this. Maybe I make the wrong choices, but at least I can acknowledge it. I know what I'm choosing. I'm aware this isn't good. That I've ended up somewhere I never meant to go. Maybe it's better not to know. To not have the capacity for self-reflection. It's a burden. She's not like me. She reacts. She responds. But she doesn't reflect. She doesn't contemplate. She doesn't question. I think I'm saying she's stupid. I think I've always known she's stupid, but accepted it because I didn't know if I deserved better. This isn't an easy life, and it hasn't made me an easy person. So I ignored it, and pretended she was more than she is. But if she's turned him stupid too, I don't know if I can live with it. He has potential. I don't know the extent of it. But I'm sure it's more than she can understand. I used to have potential. Now I have golf clubs and a $9,000 barbecue grill.
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AL, I think once someone commits such an act of betrayal, she's lost to you forever. And I am not sure that's a bad thing actually. She would have lost me forever too, if I were you.
Your son should be your priority now. Give him more of your time and I think making a genuine effort counts for more. I didn't begrudge my parents when they weren't able to spend more time with me, cos I appreciate they are doing what they can to make our lives better. They made me understand that. More often than not, kids are more sensible than we give them credit for. Talk to him.
I hope things get better...
Your son should be your priority now. Give him more of your time and I think making a genuine effort counts for more. I didn't begrudge my parents when they weren't able to spend more time with me, cos I appreciate they are doing what they can to make our lives better. They made me understand that. More often than not, kids are more sensible than we give them credit for. Talk to him.
I hope things get better...
If I recall AL, you said you have stashed enough money away to be financially secure. If that is really the case, why not bag this partnership gig all togehter? Your son should be your #1 priority. Not some corporate client. You said it yourself, that your son has potential. Ensure that potential since it may not yet be too late. If practicing means that much to you, go solo. At least you control the hours and have much more flexibility. Or do $9000 barbecues and golf clubs mean more to you?
$9,000 BBQ, cool! Let the bitch go, and the kid too. Get a younger wife and start over. Alimony is tax deductible if you structure it right. Oh, yeah, can I have your ex's phone number? I think I can give her what she really needs.
Oh please. Your recent posts are neither realistic, nor interesting. Find some way that your web persona can get back together with Anonymous Wife so that you can return to the business of imaginary lawyering and providing acerbic comments on your day to day activities.
AL, If this is really true, my heart goes out to you. I have many law friends who have married - or are going to marry - vapid counterparts. We need the break from the reality of our lives - the break from discussing mind-boggling issues that truly impact people's lives. So, we find someone who's fun and different from us. We latch on. We justify it away. And five years later (or fifteen or twenty) we wake up and realize we haven't had a real conversation with the person since we married them. Then, it quickly degenerates.
I'm sorry - but I agree with an earlier commentator - take the money you've saved up, go to a smaller or mid-size firm, take the pay cut and increase the quality-of-life hours. Get your son away from her, and spend more time with him so he becomes the best of both of you - not just of one.
I'm sorry - but I agree with an earlier commentator - take the money you've saved up, go to a smaller or mid-size firm, take the pay cut and increase the quality-of-life hours. Get your son away from her, and spend more time with him so he becomes the best of both of you - not just of one.
You are clearly not managing partner material if you let a little thing like this slow you down. Also, it seems that your productivity has been down; your partners are meeting about that right now. When they ask you if perhaps you would be more comfortable at a different firm, don't cry in front of them.
I don't think it's real and I won't stop commenting. I think what started off as a funny, witty, and interesting work of fiction is turning into a stale, cliche piece of s***. Even if it's fiction, there's room for criticism. AL could always turn comments off, if he really were so thin skinned.
Dude, if you have the cash, ship him to Choate or Exeter. Not only do you have to NOT raise him, but you keep him away from the wife. This, AL, is true parenting.
AL, I admire your obviously thick skin. It amazes me how vicious the little word "anonymous" can make people.
As for AL's kids, Andover, Exeter and even Choate are going to be a stretch. Think more along the lines of Taft or Middlesex. Maybe St. Paul's for the middle tier.
Sell the house and the grill. Go work for a non-profit or the government and spend some time with your kid before he turns into a law student.
Completely agree with the person that posted that the term "jumped the shark" comes to mind. My guess: Anonymous Lawyer is actually a single woman.
Sell the grill, and the wife, and the kid. Cash out of the partnership. Press the reset button on your life's computer.
so what are your plans for Halloween? do you ever write something lighthearted? even if this is fictional, at least make up something that isnt always about the law, your career, or something about law firm life!!! What about sports? movies? foods?? are you that boring??
11:10, did you think you were being cute by spelling stupid "oo" instead of "u?" Well, you weren't - it's not cute. YOU'RE stoopid.
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